Category: Social media


4 Reasons Social Media Is A Gamechanger For Supply Chain & Procurement

Social media read article

Thanks to the power of online collaboration, social media has played an essential role in helping supply chain and procurement professionals manage COVID-19. Where would we be without …


How Kelly Barner Became The World’s No 1 Procurement Influencer

Social media read article

Reaching influencer status on social media in any industry comes down to two things. Procurement and Supply Chain Influencer, Kelly Barner reveals what what they are and why …



Career read article

The human element will make or break your supply chain career. Procurious Founder Tania Seary reveals the human strengths that AI will never replace and how to leverage …


Who gives a Tweet? Social Media for Procurement Executives

Social media read article

Will I ever get on top of social media? Slack is the latest team collaboration tool that my 25-year-old whiz kids are pushing me into now - it’s …


Who gives a tweet? Social Media for Executives

Social media read article

If you’re anything like my husband, you’ve done your very best to avoid being “poked”, “tweeted” or “linked” up until this point. And to be honest, I was …


Who gives a Tweet?

Social media read article

If you’re anything like my husband, you’ve done your very best to avoid being “poked”, “tweeted” or “linked” up until this point.  And to be honest, I was …