

6 Sure-Fire Ways To Become A CPO

Career read article

I have worked in Procurement for twenty years now (a scary thought). During that time, I have had the immense pleasure of watching a number of trailblazing procurement …


How To Quit Your Job In Style

Career read article

Breakin' up is hard to do… The crooning Neil Sedaka lyric rings in my ears as I think of the last time someone gave me the news of …


Hold On To Your Glass Balls

Women read article

I used to flake off and daydream in most corporate training programs, but I’ve never forgotten the lesson I learnt from one speaker who likened life to juggling …


6 Things You Need To Know Before Taking A Procurement Job In Singapore

Career read article

The chance to live in Singapore as a CM within an IPO for a MNC (Category Manager in an International Procurement Office for a Multi-National Corporation) is flattering …


My Big Idea: The Future of Procurement Networking

Collaboration read article

At the incredibly successful Procurious Big Ideas Summit last week which I hope you've heard of by now (here's some more info if you haven't), all attendees were …


My Big Ideas On Shockproof Procurement

Procurement 101 read article

If procurement is to “shockproof” the profession, we need to move out of our silos and work together to solve potential supply chain disruption issues. Most of these …


World’s brightest procurement minds collaborate at Procurious Big Ideas Summit 2015

News read article

World-first digital think tank for the procurement profession reaches millions through social media London, 1 May 2015: Creating a Wikipedia of global suppliers to help manage risk and …